Section I - Dosha Dooshyadi Vigyan:
1. Importance of Dosa, Dhatu, Mala and cikruti vigyan
2. Dosa
3. Dosavaha srotas
4. Vriddhi, Kshaya and Dosas
5. Dhatu
6. Upadhatu, Pradosaja vikar
7. Saptadhatu vriddhi and Kshaya lakshana
8. Mala
9. Agni
10. Ama or Sama dosha and Nirama dosa
11. Sama dusya
12. Doshapaka, Dhatupaka
13. Avarana (Understanding Avarana with Examples)
14. Dosa gati
15. Srotas
Section II - Vyadhi Vigyan:
1. Definition, Synonyms and Classification of Vyadhi
2. Criteria for Nomenclature of Diseases in Ayurvedic (Vyadhi namakarana)
3. Roga sankara, Linga sankara (Disease complex, Symptoms complex)
4. Dosa gati and Vyadhimarga
5. Introduction of ICD Classification of Diseases of WHO and DSM Classification
6. Chromosomal and Genetic factors (Bija, Bijabhaga and Bijabhaga avayava dusti)
7. Hereditary, Congenital acquired Multifactorial Environment Disorders
8. Astamahagads or Eight Major Diseases
9. Importance of the Knowledge of Dosagati and Vyadhimarga
10. Padacatustaya (Essentials of medical Profession)
11. Ojas
12. Concept of Satmya asatmya and Viruddha aahar
13. General Diagnostic Principles of Anuka Vyadhi
14. Janapadodhvamsa (Epidemic diseases)
Section III - Nidana Panchaka Vigyan:
1. Introduction
2. Nirukti and Paryaya (Definition and Syanonyms) of Nidan
3. Introduction of Nidana panchaka
4. Types of Categories of Nidana
5. Nidan bheda (Sannikrusta, Viprakrusadi : 14 types)
6. Nidanarthakara Rogarupa hetu
7. Purvarupa (Prodromal Symptoms)
8. Rupa
9. Upasaya-Anupasaya (Diagnostic tests)
10. Samprapti
11. Concept of Kriyakal Selection and Application of Treatment of Shatkriyakala
12. Upadrava (Complications of diseases)
13. Arista lakshana (Fatal signs and Symptoms)
Section IV - Basic Pathology:
1. Introducton of Pathology
2. Cell injury and Celluar Adapatations
3. Definition and brief Description of Inflammation Healing/Repair
4. Definition and brief Description of Oedema
5. Thrombosis
6. Embolism
7. Ischaemia
8. Infract
9. Shock
10. Hemorrhage
11. Nomenclature and Classification of Tumors-difference between Benign and Malignant tumour
12. Immunity types
13. Autoimmune desease
14. Introduction to Nurtritional disorders
15. Protein Energy Malnutrition
16. Introduction to Infectious diseases
17. Introduction and Classification of Micro-organisms
Section V - Pariksha Vigyan:
1. Importance and Knowledge of Pariksha
2. Systemwise method of Examination and Disease concerned.