1. Introduction.
2. Prakriti:
I. Definition of prakriti.
II. What Determines the Prakriti.
III. Types of Prakriti.
IV. Prakriti assessment.
3. Role of Prakriti in health.
4. Manas:
I. Definition of Manas.
II. Characteristics of Manas.
III. Objects of Manas.
IV. Functions of Manas.
V. Physiology of Manas.
5. Manas Prakriti (Mental Temperament):
I. Sattvic Mental Constitutions.
II. Rajas Mental Constitutions.
III. Tamas Mental Constitutions.
IV. Manas Bhavas.
6. Psychopathology in ayurveda.
7. Personality disorder:
I. What is personality disorder.
II. What Causes personality disorder.
III. Different types of personality disorder.
IV. Effects on social functioning.
V. Signs and symptoms.
VI. Relationship with other mental disorders.
VII. Diagnosis.
VIII. Challenges.
IX. History.
X. Brief description of Personality disorders of DSM-IV.
XI. Normality versus pathology.
8. Modern concept of Prakriti.
9. General Discussion.
10. Short Notes.
11. Bibliography.
12. Museum of Brain and Mind, Nagpur.