xxxi, 736p., 8 B/W Illus., Annex., Index, 25 cm. (Haridas Ayurveda Series No. 63)
CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction and Scope of Paediatrics in Aayurveda 2. Genetics, Embryology and Common Genetic Discorders 3. Inborn Errors of Metabolism-Pramehaas 4. Psychological Development and its Disorders 5. Body Fluids 6. Nutrition and its Disorders 7. Neonatology 8. Infant Feeding and Weaning 9. Growth and Development and their Disorders 10. Immunity-Allergy 11. Infectious Diseases (Sankraamika and Graha Rogaas) 12. Jawara (Fever) 13. Agni-Ajeerna-Grahani-Aama and Aamavaata 14. Chhardi (Vomiting) 15. Gulma (Lump Abdomen) 16. Pureeshaja Krimi Roga (Intestinal Worm Infestations) 17. Shoola Roga (Pain Abdomen) 18. Atisaara (Diarrhoea) 19. Udararoga (Hepato and Splenomegaly) 20. Paanduroga-Kaamala (Anaemia-Jaundice) 21. Swayadhu (Oedema) 22. Asmari-Mootra Kruchha (Urinary Calculi-Dysuria) 23. Rakta Pitta (Bleeding Disorders) 24. Kaasa-Hicca-Swaasa (Cough-Hiccup-Breathlessness) 25. Diseases Peculiar to Infants (As described in Aayurveda) 26. Vaata Vyaadhis in Children 27. Mada-Moorcha-Sanyaasa (Stupor-Unconsciousness-Coma) 28. Therapeutic Principles in Aayurveda: Shamana-Shodhana 29. Therapeutic Principles in Aayurveda: Vastikarma 30. Therapeutic Principles in Aayurveda: Nasya-Dhoopana 31. Tumours and Malignancies in Children 32. Certain Congenital Surgical Conditions (Malformations) 33. Preventive Paediatrics 34. Life Saving Measures 35. Dosage of Drugs in Paediatric Practice 36. Outlines of Treatment of Poisoning 37. National Health Programmes Related to Paediatrics
The subject of Paediatrics in Aayurveda is classified in the light of relevant modern advances. Both traditional and textual principles of paediatrics are explained hypothetically. The matter is supplemented with multiple flowcharts and tables which are liberally sprinkled throughout the book to make the subject understandable at a glance. The benefits of modern medicine and Ayurveda are to reach the common man by proper integrated approach. This book is a step forward in this direction. The book will be useful to postgraduate students of Aayurveda. Postgraduate student of modern paediatrics who intend to have an integrated approach towards the subject, undergraduate students of Aayurveda and also the practitioners of Aayurveda.