192p., Illus., App., Bib., 21 cm. (Haridas Ayurveda Series No. 56)
CONTENTS:- I. Introduction. II. Disease Review. III. Blood Letting Review. IV. Leech Application Review. V. Materials and Methods. VI. Observations and Results. VII. Discussion and Coclusions. VIII. References.
The Leech Application in Ayurveda is a original research work of augmenting various original topics related to the types Leeches. Compounds of leech saliva, therapeutic uses with its specific indications. A thorough attempt was made to compile the original classical information by rearranging the vast and varied material keeping Ayurveda in the limelight and as well as made easy for easy understanding of the contents to the contemporary generations. The speciality of this book is mainly focused in the management in the Burgers disease.(thrombo angitis obliterans) with a comparison to Ayurvedic classics incorporating the Dropplers study as a objective study and estabilishing how a traditional leech application in the context of Ayurveda with scientific approach. The thematically arranged contents, illustrative events, original visuals documents, tabular presentations and well accepted scientific data would definitely convince the intelligentsia and diseases which are considered to be impossible by the western scientists. This book is an interesting attempt to bridge the gap between the two sciences, the ancient wisdom and modern using a rare disease as its model with the leech application.