Volume I: Sutrasthana :
1. Ayuskamiya adhyaya-desire for long life
2. Dinacarya adhyaya-daily regimen
3. Rtucarya adhyaya-seasonal regimen
4. Roganutpadaniya-prevention of diseases
5. Dravadravyavijnaniya-knowledge of liquid substances
6. Annasvarapavijnaniya-knowledge of nature of food material
7. Annaraksa adhyaya-protection of food material
8. Matrasitiya adhyaya-quantity of food
9. Dravyadivijnaniya-knowledge of substances and others
10. Rasabhediya-classification of tastes
11. Dosadivijnaniya-knowledge of dosas etc.
12. Dosabhediya-classification of dosas
13. Dosopakramaniya-treatment of dosas
14. Dvividhopakramaniya-two types of treatment
15. Sodhanadiganasangraha-groups of drugs for purification and others
16. Snehavidhi-administration of oleation
17. Svedavidhi-procedure of sudation
18. Vamanavirecanavidhi -procedure of emesis and purgation
19. Bastividhi-procedure of enema
20. Nasyavidhi-nasal medication
21. Dhumapanavidhi -procedure of inhaling smoke
22. Gandtisadividhi-procedure of gargle and others
23. Ascotananjanavidhi-procedure for eye-drops and eye-ointments
24. Tarpanaputapakavidhi-procedure of refreshing and cleaning eye
25. Yantravidhi-application of appliances and instruments
26. Sastravidhi-procedure of sharp instruments
27. Siravyadhavidhi-procedure of venesection
28. Salyaharanavidhi-procedure of extraction of foreign bodies
29. Sastrakarmavidhi-procedure of surgical operation
30. Ksaragnikarmavidhi-procedure of cautery by alkali and fire
- Sarirasthana:
1. Garbhavakranti-embryology
2. Garbhavyapad-ailments of pregnancy
3. Angavibhaga-different pacts of the body
4. Marrnavibhaga-classification of vital spots
5. Vikrtivijnaniya-knowledge of prognostics
6. Dutadivijnaniya-knowledge about messengers and others
- Sanskrit Index
- English Index
- Glossary
Volume II: Nidanasthana :
1. Sarvaroganidana-general diagnosis of all diseases
2. Jvaranidana-diagnosis of fever
3. Raktapittakasanidana-diagnosis of bleeding disorders and cough
4. Svasahidhmanidana-diagnosis of dyspnoea and hiccup
5. Rajayaksmadinidana-diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and others
6. Madatyayadinidana-diagnosis of alcoholic intoxication and others
7. Arsonidana-diagnosis of haemorrhoids or piles
8. Atisaragrahanidosanidana-diagnosis of diarrhoea and disorders of duodenum
9. Mutraghatanidana-diagnosis of retention of urine
10. Pramehanidana-diagnosis of polyuria and diabetes
11. Vidradhivrddhigulmanidana-diagnosis of abscess, hernia and abdominal lumps
12. Udaranidana-diagnosis of enlargement of abdomen
13. Pandurogasophavisarpanidana-diagnosis of anaemia, swelling and herpes
14. Kusthasvitrakrminidana-diagnosis of leprosy, leucoderma and worms infestation
15. Vatavyadhinidana-diagnosis of diseases caused by vata
16. Vatasonitanidana-diagnosis of gout
- Cikitsasthana
1. Jvaracikitsa-treatment of fever
2. Raktapittacikitsa-treatment of haemorrhagic diseases
3. Kasacikitsa-treatment of cough
4. Svasahidhmacikitsa-treatment of dyspnoea and hiccup
5. Rajayaksmadicikitsa-treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and others
6. Chardihrdrogatrsnacikitsa-treatment of vomiting, heart diseases and thirst
7. Madatyayadicikitsa-treatment of alcoholic intoxication and others
8. Arsascikitsa-treatment of haemorrhoids
9. Atisaracikitsa-treatment of diarrhoea
10. Grahanidosacikitsa-treatment of sprue/duodenal disorders
11. Mutraghatacikitsa-treatment of retention of urine
12. Pramehacikitsa-treatment of urinary disorders
13. Vidradhivrddhicikitsa-treatment of abscess and scrotal enlargement
14. Gulmacikitsa-treatment of abdominal tumours
15. Udaracikitsa-treatment of abdominal enlargement
16. Pandurogacikitsa-treatment of anaemia
17. Swayathucikitsa-treatment of dropsy
18. Visarpacikitsa-treatment of herpes
19. Kusthacikitsa-treatment of leprosy and skin diseases
20. Svitrakrmicikitsa-treatment of leucoderma and worms
21. Vatavyadhicikitsa-treatment of diseases caused by vata
22. Vatasonitacikitsa-treatment of gout
- Kalpasiddhisthana
1. Vamanakalpa-emetic formulae
2. Virecanakalpa-formulae for purgation
3. V amanavirecanavyapatsiddhikalpa- management of complications of emesis and purgation
4. Bastikalpa-recipes for enema
5. Bastivyapatsiddhikalpa-management of complications of enema
6. Dravyakalpa-pharmaceuticals
- Sanskrit Index
- Index of English side headings
- Glossary
Volume III: Uttarasthana :
II. Paediatrics-kaumararanrra
- Balopacaraniya-nursing of infant
- Balamayapratisedha-cure of diseases of children
- Balagrahapratisedha-cure of evil spirits on children
III. Possession by evil spirits or psychological disorders-bbutavijuaniya
- Bhutvijnaniya-knowledge of devils/demons
- Bhutapratisedha-treatment of demons
- Unmadapratisedha-treatment of insanity
- Apasrnarapratisedha-treatment of epilepsy
III. IV. Section on upper part-salakya
- Vartmarogavijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of eyelids
- Vartmarogapratisedha-treatment of diseases of eyelids
- Sandhisitasitarogavijfinlya-knowledge of diseases of fornices, sclera and cornea
- Sandhisitasitarogapratisedha-treatment of deseases of fornices, sclera and cornea
- Drstirogavijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of vision
- Timirapratisedha-treatment of blindness
- Linganasapratisedha-treatment of blindness
- Sarvaksirogavijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of complete eye
- Sarvaksirogapratisedha-treatment of diseases of complete eye
- Karnarogavijnaniya-knowledge of the diseases of the ear
- Karnarogapratisedha-treatrnent of the diseases of the ear
- Nasarogavijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of nose
- Nasarogapratisedha-trearment of diseases of nose
- Mukharogavijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of mouth
- Mukharogapratisedha-treatment of diseases of mouth
- Sirorogavijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of head
- Sirorogapratisedha-treatment of diseases of head
V. Surgical section-salyatantra
- Vranapratisedha-treatment of wounds/ulcers
- Sadyovranapratisedha-treatmment of traumatic wounds
- Bhangapratisedha-treatment of fractures
- Bhagandarapratisedha-treatment of fistula (rectal)
- GranthyarbudaslipadapacInadivijfiyanlya-knowledge of tumour, cancer(?), filariasis, scrofula and sinus ulcer
- Granthyarbudaslipadapaclnadipratisedha-treatment of tumour, cancer(?), filariasis, scrofula and sinus ulcer
- Ksudrarogavijnaniya-knowledge of minor diseases
- Ksudrarogapratisedha-treatment of minor diseases
- Guhyarogavijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of reproductive organs (private parts)
- Guhyarogapratisedha-treatment of diseases of genital organs
VI. Toxicology-visetan tra
- Visapratisedha-treatment of poisons
- Sarpavisapratisedha-treatrnent of snake poison
- Kltalutadivisapratisedha-Remedy for poison of insects, spiders and others
- Musikalarkavisapratisedha-treatment of poison of mouse and rabid dog bite
VII. Rejuvenation-rasayana
- Rasayanavidhi-procedure of rejuvenation
VIII. Aphrodisiacs-vajfkarana
- Vajikaranavidhi-methods of improving virility
- Sanskrit Index
- English Index
- Glossary
Appendix 1: Some verses of Literary interest
Appendix 2: Commentaries on Astanga Hrdaya
Appendix 3: Authors quoted in Astanga Hrdaya
Appendix 4: Recipes in Astanga Hrdaya