With a foreword by Prof. V.N. Jha.
xix, 324p., Abb., Bib., Index, 23 cm.
CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction. 2. Fundamental Categories. 3. Fundamental Theories. 4. Self (Purusa). 5. The Complete Man. 6. Source of Knowledge (Pramana). 7. Logic and Dialectical Speculations. 8. Ethics. 9. Conclusion.
Ayurveda, represented by Caraka and Susruta, Stands first among the sciences of Indian intellectual tradition. No other branch of learning is subject to such an acute competition as Ayurveda is with modern. Yet, it has survived the challenges of time and has attained a new impetus today. This is probably due to the novelty of the fundamental principles of Ayurvedawhich is based on a holistic approach. The fundamental principles are, in fact, built upon philosophical concepts. Hence it is essential to remove the ambiguities in philosophical abstracitions for developing the consistency and authenticity of the fundamental principles. One of the possible way is to make explicit the philosophical speculations in which the fundamental principles of Ayurveda are rooted. Carakasamhita deserves special mention in this respect.