History is fast changing its economic and cultural contours which are positioned on progressives' path. Its ancient and medieval period had equally great heights in cultural history, which is still hidden on the large national platform. Through this book vast panorama of Himachal Pradesh's History Culture and Archaeology have been given an exposure in small measures. The module of its presentation is to keep up the narration separately of its various political units which for time immemorial have been possessing independent identities. In several new publications a hotch-potch technique of amalgamating the history in various political periods is being on the pattern general Indian history and that have produced more confusion rather than cohesion. The book is largely based on the materials scattered in the various work contained in the bibliography as well as on personal experiences, gathered from the locals during various visitations to the gross roots. There can be no two opinions if we uphold that Himachal Pradesh has a unique attraction amongst foreign and Indian scholars and this book unfolds the treasures of this hilly and mountainous state of our country to them as well to the lay readers.