CONTENTS:- 1. Categorisation Options: User's Dilemma / A.K. Nagalia 2. Challenges of Commercial Evaluation 12 / Harish Masand 3. Cost Estimation for Determining Reasonable Price in Capital Acquisitions: MoD Experience / Rajnish Kumar 4. Towards an Optimal Procedural Framework: The Indian Experience / R.K. Ghose 5. Fine Tuning Procedural Framework to Achieve Balance in Defence Acquisitions / Alina Arora and Yohan J. Balan 6. Defence Acquisition: Indian Army's Perspective / Viney Handa 7. Challenges of Defence Procurement: A User Perspective / Aftab Khan and HS Jhajj 8. Perspective of the Indian Air Force on Key Issues of Defence Acquisition and the Reform Measures: Needed to Expedite Defence Procurements / S.K. Jha 9. A Critique of the US Defense Acquisition Process / Terrence Elemendorf 10. Complex Programme Management in Defence / Michael Christie 11. Indian Experience in Contracting/Post Contract Implementation and Project Management Challenges / R.K. Arora 12. Logistics Management: The French Experience / Alain Costes 13. Harnessing the 'PPP' Model in Defence Acquisition and Construction Works to be a Catalyst for Participation of the Private Sector / Vinay Kaushal 14. Perspectives on Performance Based Logistics / Shobhana Joshi 15. Review of International Offset Experience / Thomas Mathew 16. International Offset Experiences and Policy Prescription / Kogila Balakrishnan 17. Impact of India's Offset Policy on Military Industrial Capability and Self-Reliance / S.N. Misra 18. Explaining China's Improving Defence Industrial and Innovation Capabilities / Tai Ming Cheung 19. Self-Reliance Through Smart Acquisition / Prahlada 20. Indian Ordnance Factories: An Agenda for Change / Anuradha Prasad 21. Defence Acquisition: A Shipyard Perspective / PR Raghunath 22. FDI in Indian Defence Industry / Laxman Kumar Behera 23. Transparency and Oversight in UK Defence Acquisition / Tim Banfield 24. The Indian Defence Acquisition System: Improving Oversight and the System / K Subramaniam 25. Defence Acquisition Systems: A Look at Selected Nations / Mrinal Suman 26. Organisational Structure and Procedural Framework for Defence Acquisition in Brazil: The Challenge of Technology Transfer / William de Sousa Moreira 27. Capacity Building for Defence Technology Acquisition and Oversight / Ravinder Pal Singh 28. Defense Acquisition Workforce Management in the United States / Greg Beckham 29. Best Practices in U.S. Defence Procurement / Richard P. Rector and Dionis M. Gauvin
This book is a compendium of papers presented and circulated in the International Seminar on Defence acquisition organised by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses on July 12-14, 2011. It contains 29 chapters organised in nine key themes: technical requirement and capability definition; technical and commercial evaluation challenges; optimal procedural framework; contract implementation and project management; logistics management; offsets; defence industrial and R&D base; oversight, organisational structure; and human resource in defence acquisition. Written by the practitioners, industry leaders and subject experts, the book brings out the best international practices in defence acquisition.