The book is a humble effort on his part to present the endeavour of the Muslim missionaries in the process of The Islamization of Kashmir. Although the main architect of the edifice of Islam in Kashmir has been Mir Sayyid 'Ali Hamadani, but the people who poured into the Valley prior to him were the trend-setters for his missionary work and the ones who followed him furthered and brought to culmination the work undertaken by this Great Sayyid. As such, the book highlights the pivotal role of the Sayyid in the thorough transformation of Kashmir into an Islamic land because he not only enriched the results of his forerunners but also paved the way for his successors. Thus the book is a humble realization of the qard (indebtedness) and fard (obligation) which every Kashmiri Muslim owes to the Sayyid according to Prof Shamsuddin Ahmad, the great biographer of the Sayyid. |