Section I - INDIA:
1. Plant protection quarantine and storage.
2. Harmonised system HS codes of medicinal plants and allied products.
3. India's exports of medicinal plants and allied products.
4. Sandalwood Santalum album L. Nash.
5. Vetiver Vetiveria zizanioides L. Nash.
6. Medherb information.
7. Stakeholders directory.
1. Photographs of crude medicinal plants.
2. List of crude medicinal plants name used in section 2.
Section III - FRANCE:
1. Herbs in France.
2. Good agricultural and wild collection practice GACP.
3. Area under cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in France.
4. List of medicinal plants and their parts sourcing from wild in France.
5. Exhaustive list of medicinal and aromatic plants of France.
5a. Index: medicinal and aromatic plant names used in chapter 3, 4 and 5 in France section.
6. Stakeholders directory.