CONTENTS:- 1. Zakah. 2. Sadaqah. 3. Spending in the Way of Allah. 4. Moderation of Spending. 5. Inheritance, Wealth or Property. 6. Interest (Riba). 7. Financial Transactions and Nature of Contract. 8. Hoarding of Wealth. 9. Weight and Measures. 10. Poor or Needy. 11. Economic Quality. 12. Prohibition of Wine and Gambling.
The book "Economic Aspects of the Quran" is a reader friendly work of the economic teachings of the Quran. This book is an attempt to make the general readers aware about the economic aspects of the Quran. This endeavor will help them in understanding all economic concepts stated in the Quran, like, Zakah, Sadaqah, alms and other payments; distribution of inheritance; acquistion and use of unlawful wealth or property; maintence allowance, evils of wine and gambling; norms of weighing and measuring; business transactions; interest or unsury; speculative transaction, monopolistic trade agreements; 'ushr, and kharaj etc.