Today, Terrorism is the cheapest method of proxy war. Whilemanybooks are written on regional terrorism, there existsnocomprehensive textbook on the subject of world terrorism asyet.This book is the first one of its kind, intended to satisfytheneed for a concise yet complete handbook to help the reader tohavea clear understanding of terrorism in all its facets.
This book is a simple small ready reference containingthemust know data on terrorism. It includes all the essentialfactsrelevant to terrorism in various parts of theworld-chronology,historical backgrounds, relevant military history,appedices anddata pertaining to major terror events give thecomplete picture.It is intended to present the overall concepts onthe subject ofterrorism.
At the same time, it harbors an encyclopedic data ontheterror events of the current era. This book is meant for anyoneandeveryone who is interested in Terrorism, Sociology,History,Political Science and International relations. On one hand,it mayalso prove useful as a textbook to Law enforcement agenciesandforces personnel dealing with counter terrorism. On the otherhandit makes interesting reading for the curious layman who wantstoeducate himself on terrorism, a noteworthy topic ofgeneralknowledge and current affairs. In the recent era, it isprobablythe first book of its kind in the world, a handbookcharacterizedby easy reading. |