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CONTENTS:- - Mangalachanam Blessing and dedication - Sirorogadhikaram Control of diseases of the head - Karnarogadhikaram control of diseases of the ear - Netrarogadhikaram control of disease of the eye - Nasarogadhikaram control of disease of the nose - Mukharogadhikaram control of diseases of the face - Sthanarogadhikaram control of diseases of the chest - Udararogadhikaram control of diseases of the stomach - Kushta rogadhikaram Control of leprosy - Raktapittadhikaram Control of haemophilic disorders - Pinasa svarabhamgadhikaram control of colds, catarrh harsh voice - Kasa Swasa hikkadhikaram. Control of chronic cough,asthma, hiccup - Rajayakshmadhikaram. Control of Tuberculosis - Suladhikaram. Control of throbbing pains - Atisaradhikaram. Control of diarrhoea and Dysentery - Pramehadhikaram. Control of Diabetes Melilitus - Asmari mutra Kruchchadhikaram. Control of Urinary stones, strangury - Vruddhyupadamsadhikaram. Control of diseases of the sex-organs - Bhagandaradhikaram. Control of ulcers in the Genitial Parts - Arsorogadhikaram. Control of bleeding Piles - Charditrushadhikaram. Control of vomiting, thirst and Fatigue - Jvaradhikaram. control of feavers - Vatarogadhikaram. Control of Gout or rheumatism - Padarogadhikaram. Control of diseases of the feet. - Charmakiladhikaram. control of skin clcers i.e. Charmakila - Agnidagdhadhikaram. Control of fire burn wounds - Vranadhikaram. control of boils, ulcers, abcess. - Grandhi Arbudadhikaram. control of ulcers, abcess. - Apasmaronmadadhikaram. control of epilepsy and Madness(folly) - Visharogadhikaram. control of poisonous bites etc - Kshudra Rogadhikaram. control of small-pox etc. - Stirogadhikaram. control of gynaecological diseases. - Balarogadhikaram. control of diseases of children - Rasayana Vajikaranadhikaram. Panacea medicines preventing old age and prolonging life. - Pasurogadhikaram. Treatment of diseasesd of cattle - List of plants/plant products used in the text. - List of animals/animal products used in the text - List of minerals and Chemicals used in the text |
PREFACE: Rajamartanda is an ancient medical text written by the Hindu King Bhoj Maharaj, a contemporary of the great Sanskrit poet Kalidas. This book gives many herbal recipes to cure the diseases of mankind. Control of diseases of the head, ear, eye, nose, face, chest, stomach, leprosy, haemophilic disorders, colds, catarrah harsh voice, chronic cough, asthma, hiccup, tuberculosis, throbbing pains, diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes mellitus, urinary stones, sex organ diseases, ulcers of genital parts bleeding piles, vomiting, thirst and fatigue, feavers, gout (rheumatism), diseases of the feet, treatment of fire burn wounds, boils, ulcers, abcess, ulcers of blood vessels and nerves, epilepsy and madness, treatment of poisoning, small-pox, gynaecological diseases, diseases of children, panacea medicines and some veterinary recipes are given in the text. The readers will appreciate this work and use these simple and safe cures to cure the diseases of suffering mankind. |