CONTENTS:- 1. Tie-dye Clothing. 2. Dyeing, Dye and Their Types. 3. Ways to Tie Dye. 4. Unique Patterns of Batik. 5. Batik printing. 6. Textile Printing. 7. Dry Cleaning of Clothes. 8. Embroidery Tie and Dye Fabrics. 9. Art of Candle making. 10. Candlestick Patterns.
Tie dye is an ancient art of making any colored pattern on any fabric. It is a technique of dyeing clothing originally popularized by members of the hippie subculture. It came into lime light in the 1960s and 1970s as part of hippie style. In one from or another, batik has worldwide popularity. Now not only is batik used as a material to clothe the human body its uses also include furnishing fabrics heavy canvas wall hangings table cloths and household accessories. Candle making was developed independently in many countries throughout history. It give you the chance to be creative there are some basic candle making steps you should follow to make the process flow well. The candle making process will run smoothly and efficiently if you follow the steps as discussed in this book.