CONTENTS:- 1. General Introduction 2. Review of Literature 3. Materials and Methods for Silk Technolog 4. Taxonomy of Wild Silkmoths 5. Biology of Wild Silkmoths 6. Rearing Techniques for Wild Silkmoths 7. Summary 8. Conclusion
Wild silk is very vital biological resource and has a very crucial role in economic and social development of mankind. Wild silk is better than other silks from the view point of healthcare. Therefore, the book contain taxonomy of wild silkmoths, under which 9 new subspecies of Antheraea mylitta have been described for avoiding confusion with ecoraces which refer to Antheraea mylitta indica, A.m. jujubi, A.m. arjuni, A.m. greyi, A.m. kolhapurensis, A.m. koynei, A.m. sathei, A.m. badami and A.m. sahyadricus. The book also contains biology of wild silkmoths Attacusatlas(Lhm.), Actiasselene Hubner and A.m. kolhapurensis. Rearing techniques for A. atlas, A. selene and A.m. kolhapurensis with different food plants and their assessment by food consumption potential/cocoon characterization and development rate has given special emphasis in the book. Thus, the book is unique on biodiversity of wild silkmoths and the wild silk technology which will be very helpful for students, teachers, farmers, sericulturists and researchers in India and at global scenario.