CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction. 2. Global Journalism Ethics: Widening the conceptual base. 3. Bioethics and journalism. 4. Changing journalism through technology. 5. Errors of modern journalism. 6. News reporting: occupational surveys identifiers journalists. 7. Encircling the power of journalism. 8. Relations between journalists and public relations Practioners. 9. Journalism as mission in a modern age. 10. Public journalism and problem of objectivity. 11. The impact of public relations on the media. 12. The impact of social media on public relations. 13. Journalists news room roles and their world wide web. 14. Conflict sensitive journalism. 15. Journalism as a human right: The cultural approach to journalism.
Journalism is the investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience. Though there are many variations of journalism, the ideal is to inform the intended audience about topics ranging from government and business organizations to cultural aspects of society such as arts and entertainment. The field includes editing, photojournalism, and documentary. In modern society, news media have become the chief purveyor of information and opinion about public affairs; but the role and status of journalism, along with other forms of mass media, are under going changes resulting from the Internet.