Section 1: Radiodiagnosis
1. General Radiology and Radiology Physics.
2. Radiological Contrast Agents/Media.
3. Radiation Hazards and Protection.
4. Pulmonary Radiology.
5. Cardiovascular Radiology.
6. Abdominal Imaging .
7. Genitourinary Radiology.
8. Musculoskeletal Radiology.
9. Endocrine Imaging.
10. Head, Neck and Spine Imaging.
11. Obstetrics and Gynecological Radiology.
12. Breast Imaging.
Section 2: Nuclear Medicine
13. Radioactivity and Basics of Nuclear Medicine.
14. Nuclear Scans.
Section 3: Radiotherapy and Radiationoncology
15. Radiation Oncology.
16. Radiotherapy.
Section 4: Newer Advances and Interventional Radiology.
17. Newer Advances.
18. Interventional Radiology.