CONTENTS:- 1. The Politics of Exile 2. Chinese Rule in Tibetan Plateau 3. China's Protest and Violence in Tibet 4. Chinese Migration Polity in Tibet 5. China's Strategy in Tibet 6. Chinese Invasion and Dominance 7. China's New While Paper on Tibetan Autonomy 8. Environmental Status, Trends and Threats in Tibet 9. Recent Tibetan Refugees in India 10. A Psychosocial Needs Assessment of Tibetan Refugees in Nepal 11. Future of Tibetan Refugees
Today the situation in Tibet is increasingly tense. The influx ofdemonstration in Lhasa and elsewhere take place despite the strongan often violent reaction of Chinese security forces. Thousands ofTibetans are imprisoned for their political religious activities;Tibetans are rarely permitted to leave the country and access toTibet by excited Tibetans is limited. China has just opened Tibetto tourism, both individual and group, and to wider economicdevelopment the economic miracle of china does not apply to Tibet,however, since the only community that is benefiting from economicincentives is the Chinese community. Indeed, the Chineseauthorities are so worried that Tibetan political activity mightdisrupt business and public relations that repression in the majortowns-and at the major monasteries-is very tight. The frustrationlevel both in exile and inside Tibet is real. Last year, theTibetan Youth Congress held hunger strikes even to the point ofdeath for sixty-seven days in Delhi (one of the longest hungerstrikes held in the world). Out of frustration and as a sacrifice,an exile Tibetan named Thupten Ngodup immolated himself. InsideTibet, in 1997, there were seven bomb blasts in the TAR regionalone. This work is essentially useful for scholars researcherssocial activists academics government functionaries and the generalreader alike.