Plant tissue culture broadly refers to the cultivation in vitro ofall plant parts, whether a single cell, a tissue or organ underaseptic conditions. Recent progress in the field of plant tissueculture made this area as one of the most dynamic and promisingexperimental biology. Tissue culture is an important tool in thestudy of basic areas of plant biology and biochemistry is havingmajor significance in studies in molecular biology and agricultualbiotechnology.
Addressing a wide variety of related topics, Advance inPlant Tissue Culture gives the practical and technical knowledgeneeded to train the next generation of plant scientists regardlessof their ultimate specialization. Integrating traditional plantsciences with recent advances in plant tissue culture, development,and biotechnology, chapters address germplasm preservation, plantgrowth regulators, embryo rescue, micropropagation, haploidcultures and transformation of meristems. This book is verycomprehensive with much to offer the students, teachers andresearchers. It is a valuable contribution to possess and it willremain of value for a very long time. It would be advisable for alllibraries to have copies on their shelves. |