The book attempts to combine the assessments on broad fronts encompassing economy, politics, social cultural milieu and environment by the forces of globalisation. It offers answers to the vital questions on wide ranging issues such as growth, poverty, inequality, social change, corporate behaviour and environmental exhaustion by a careful analysis of the evidences and an examination of the global economic processes.
The concomitant impacts domestically on variegated issues such as exclusion, gender, multi-culturism, fundamentalism, violence, democracy and social movements within the purview of national and international boundaries have been analysed and explored. Intense scholarly enquires, media debates, have lead to an explosive growth of knowledge about the various dimensions, dyadic relationships and issues pertaining to growth and transformation under globalization. The book integrates the various issues, and the connetction between economic and non-economic forces on the globalisation discourse, it also offers foresight and perspectives on banalities and bounties over which nations, communities, classes and people seem to be divided as never before. |