CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction. 2. Classification of gymnosperms. 3. Cycadopsida (Cycadophyta). 4. Bennettitales (Cycadeoideales). 5. Pentoxylales. 6. Ginkgoales. 7. Coniferophyta and coniferales. 8. Cordaitales. 9. Gnetopsida (Gnetophyta). 10. Embryogeny. 11. Origin and hetrospory. 12. Gymnosperms of India and their distribution. 13. The gymnosperms of past time. 14. Prof. Birbal Sahni (1891-1949).
The present book provides a balanced, up-to-date and simplified study of gymnosperm to the students of botany at the undergraduate and postgraduate level of several Indian universities. Attempts has been made to include the recent work conducted by scientists in the field, but owing to limited space much detail have not been mentioned.