CONTENTS:- 1. Integrated plant nutrient management. 2. A brief to biofertilizers. 3. Biofertilizer production technology. 4. An overview of biological nitrogen fixation. 5. Non symbiotic nitrogen fixation. 6. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation. 7. Genetics of nirtrogen fixation. 8. Rhizobium inoculants. 9. Frankia inoculants. 10. Azolla inoculants. 11. Azotobacter inoculants. 12. Azospirillum inoculants. 13. Cyanobacteria inoculants. 14. Phosphate solubilizing microrganisms. 15. Phosphate mobilizers mycorrhizae. 16. Phosphate absorbers vam. 17. Follar biofertilizers.
Biofixation of elements by several microbes such as fungi mycorrhizae bacteria Azotobacter Azospirillum and Rhizobium or actinomycetes Frankia are blended or mixed in organic matter and this mixture is termed as biofertilizers biofertilizer is an organic product containing a specific microbe microbial inoculant in concentrated form which is derived either from the nodules of plant roots or from the soil of root zone rhizosphere. They posses unique ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen either living symbiotically with the roots of legumes or non symbiotically free living or to transform native soil nutrients such as phosphorus zinc copper iron sulphur etc. from the non usable fixed to usable form through biological processes. India is one of the leading and important countries in biofertilizer production and consumption in the world.