CONTENTS:- 1. Terrorism-A Threat to Democracy. 2. The Emerging Threat of Bioterrorism. 3. Radiological Threats: Scope and Implications. 4. Threat of International Terrorism: Aerosol Technology and Biological Weapons. 5. The Threat of Cyber Terrorism. 6. The Response Infrastructure: Investigating the Anthrax Attacks. 7. Exposure Vectors for Chemical and Biological Weapons. 8. Chemical Supply Chian on Risk and Reducing Measures.
The threat of international terrorism to this country and other has never been as serious as it is today. The U.S. abandoned its program for offensive biological warfare in 1968, but the successful effort to weaponized infectious organisms and toxins should have educated the U.S. government to their dangers. The revelations that the Soviet state had a more extensive and similarly successful undertaking only increases the likelihood that the development of weapons of mass destruction lies within the reach of others. The threat of bioterrorism focuses attention on overall preparedness to address the challenges posed by new and reemerging infectious diseases. Bioterrorism scenarios illustrate the diversity of disciplines and perspectives required to confront these threats, whether naturally occurring or purposely caused. Cyber-attacks based on viruses (embedded code fragments) and worms (standalone programs) have already cost us well into the tens of billions of dollars in quantifiable damage and lost productivity. This book provides deep insight into various dimensions of issues relating to the subject.