CONTENTS:- 1. International tourism in development countries. 2. International mass tourism. 3. Recent and future trends in world tourism. 4. Tourism planning. 5. Government policy in the mass market era. 6. Sustainable tourism in the new century. 7. Tourism industry in recent times.
International Tourism Policy is the dynamic process of determining goals, systematically selecting alternative courses of actions to achieve those goals, implementing the chosen alternatives an devaluating the choice to determine if it if successful. The planning process regards the environment which includes political, physical, social and economic elements ad interrelated and interdependent components which should be taken into account in considering the future of a destination area. Tourism planning is greatly needed. The stagnation and decline of a destination or attraction may be due to the lack of planning or poor planning. Tourism, in all its forms, is of crucial importance to the economic, social and environmental well-being of the whole country. The planning system has a vital role to play in terms of facilitating the development and improvement of tourism in appropriate locations. The book examines the current trends in international tourism markets along with emerging opportunities and challengers in the field.