A number of unique, rare and uncommon sculptures of extraordinary iconographic and cultural interest lie hidden in museums, sculptural-sheds, private collections and temples. Some of them received attention of scholars whose studies resulted in their identification and appeared in Research Journals, Survey Reports, Procceedings of conferences and Special Volumes published in India and abroad. But due to lack of communication, language problems, non-availability of these publications, paucity of funds, etc. most of the scholars and research students remain deprived of this precious material causing lacunac in their dissertations and lectures.
To rectify this state of affairs, of course in limited way, a project of the following three volumes has been undertaken by the Jnana Pravaha:–
I. Ganapati, skanda and Siva; II. Visnu, Brahma, surya and other divinities; III. Devi/sakti: Sapta-matrikas, Laksmi, Sarasvati, Durga, etc.
This volume in hand presents consolidated account of icons of Ganapati, Skanda and Siva with their locations, brief descriptions, notable features along with allied references in Vedas, Epics, Puranas, Classical works and folk traditions, Photographs and Line-Drawing also appear as visual aids. |