This book is pro-peace and denounces all forms of violence unleashed upon human beings, whether they be in authorised form or unauthorised form. During the writer's travels to different parts of the world constantly receiving images, few aspects have captivated his attention more than the unquestionable and basic universality of our nature, the human nature. Our universality is much deeper and older than our nationality. The common aspects inherent in our actions, reactions, embraces and attitudes are natural while nationality is not natural. At best nationality is purely accidental defying and beyond our control panels.
In the realm of international affairs scant attention is being paid to the universal aspects of human behaviour with the result that we are unable to find common grounds to remedy problems that dace us. Evolution of nationalism and extra emphasis on it has given the world Napoleonic war, two world wars, terrorism of all hues and continuous destruction of human lives. Only a pacified universal belief in innate goodness of human being and values can salvage the humanity. Peace movements and anti-war movements of all kinds should be supported wherever needed.
This book represents the final product of the writer's profound concern for and love of fellow human beings irrespective of their lands of birth and growth. We are human beings first and we are human beings last, from womb to tomb, and the terms national beings or nationality is artificial and superimposed on us. |