CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction. 2. Satyagraha in South Africa. 3. The essence of Gandhism. 4. Gandhi: the idea of Swaraj. 5. Concept of Satyagraha and Sarvodaya Movement. 6. Gandhian economics. 7. Political thought of Mahatma Gandhi. 8. Gandhian Philosophy. 9. Principles of Gandhism. 10. Mahatma Gandhi’s views on women and social changes. 11. Mahatma Gandhi’s influence on India’s Foreign Policy. 12. Significance of Gandhian thought in the present context. 13. Gandhi’s theory of society and our times.
During his campaign against racism in South Africa, and his involvement in the Congress led nationalist struggle against British colonial rule in India, Mahatma Gandhi developed a new form of political struggle based on type idea of Satyagraha, or non violent protest. He ushered in a new era of nationalism in India by articulating the nationalist protest in the language of non-violence, or ahimsa, that galvanized the masses into action. Focusing on the principles of satyagraha and non-violence, and their evolution in the context of anti imperial movements organized by Gandhi, this fascinating book looks at how these percepts underwent changes reflecting the ideological beliefs of the participants. Assessing Gandhi and his ideology, the text centers on the ways in which Gandhi took into account the views of other leading personalities of the era whilst articulating his theory of action.