Inferiority Feelings in the Individual and the Group
Brachfeld, Oliver
List Price : US$ 64.75 Our Price : US$ 51.80
Book ID : 39016
ISBN-10 : 81-7625-783-4 / 8176257834
ISBN-13 : 978-81-7625-783-1 / 9788176257831
of Publication :
of Publication :
Edition : (First Edition)
Language : English
v, 358p., Index, 23 cm.
CONTENTS:- 1. The principle of security and the feeling of impotence. 2. History of a term and of an idea. 3. Pierre Janet forerunner of the theory of the feelings of inferiority. 4. Geneva studies: Claparede M. Ganz and R. De Saussure. 5. Alfred Adler and his comparative psychology of individuals. 6. Fritz Kunkeis treatment of the feeling of inferiority. 7. Paul Haberlin's ethical interpretation. 8. What is a complex. 9. Envy and the feeling of inferiority the problem of authenticity. 10. Feeling or consciousness. 11. Feelings of inferiority in the new born and proto infantile neuroses. 12. Auto estimation its equilibrium and its disorders. 13. Inferiority feelings and the family pattern. 14. The problem of compensation. 15. The inferior sing effects of industrial standardisation. 16. The labour complex or feelings of inferiority due to the circumstances of economic life. 17. The compensatory functions of civilization. 18. The diagnosis of inferiority feelings. 19. Unconscious auto estimation. 20. The wish image and the negative ideal in relation to inferiority feelings. 21. Major forms of the inferiority complex: neurosis psychosis and crime. 22. Inferiority feelings and sex. 23. Psycho genesis of art and feelings of inferiority. 24. Resentment and catathymy. 25. Feelings of racial inferiority. 26. The Jewish complex. 27. National feelings of inferiority or the ethno psychology of complexes. 28. The German inferiority complex. 29. Feelings of inferiority in the animal Kingdom.
Inferiority complex is inherent in every individual. But there are some individuals who suffer to a great extent from inferiority complex and they adopt various means to hide their inferior position in the society and that is how they become abnormal persons. How do they hide their inferiority complex and how it works on their behaviour is the subject of this book.