I. India:
1. My Marathi/Anuradha Malshe.
2. Folk Dance culture of Tamilnadu/Lata Ramachandran.
3. Begnali poetry beyond Tagore/Sujata Mukherjee.
4. Hindi language: past to the present/Dharmesh Mishra.
5. Kannda literature: a temporal view/Aparna Hawaldar.
6. Telugu the language known as Italian of the east/Madhavi Garikaparthy.
II. Asia:
7. History of Japanese literature/Anagha Malshe.
8. The transformation of Malay literary writings during colonial rule: from the collective to the individual perspective/Paula Pannu.
III. Europe:
9. Basque culture/Amaia Zurutuza.
10. A linguistic overview of Swedish language/Eberhard Gade.
11. A short German literature history until 1900/Aberhard Gade.
12. Roots/Anuradha Malshe.
IV. Africa:
13. Utilizing indigenous languages in development: the case of Ruhaya in Kageria Tanzania/Fraterline Khashaga.
14. Afrikaans/Kevin Greenbank.
V. Computers and internet:
15. The internets global language/Pantelis Bellis.
16. Computer mediated communication and the use of youth and gender language in chat context: a critical approach on msn chat cases in Greece/Pantelis Bellis and Vasiliki Nanou.
VI. Inclusion:
17. Communication and disability/Judy McKenzie.