Islam is the very first, as well as the final religion, gifted to mankind by Allah, the Almighty. It is a different matter that the Holy Messengers (Pbut) who brought Islam in various periods of time were distinct by names, physical appearance, places of birth and belonged to different cultural backgrounds. However, the mission on which all of them embarked was one and the same -- leading life strictly as per the injunctions of holy scriptures, endowed to them. If we go through the pages of Islamic history, from the very first period, down to the present hour, we would come to know that the teachings and do's and don'ts by these various messengers taught their respective peoples, were almost the same, barring a few variations as for the requirements of the geographical, social or other conditions.
The quintessence of the teachings of all the messengers (Pbut) was the same -- worship Allah, the Almighty, who is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient and has no partner, whatsoever. Besides it, the Prophet (Pbut) kept teaching their communities as and when required by the contemporary conditions, along with the evolution of human life on earth. In this way, we can say that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) consummated the mission, which father of mankind, Hadrat Aadam (Pbuh) had started and which ran through a long chain, consisting of approximating one lakh and twenty-four thousand messengers and prophets. Thus, Islam which Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) brought as the last and final version is not only a religion but also a complete code of life. It has its own philosophy, wisdom and a distinct ideology. And that is the focal and central basis of Islamic wisdom. Chief sources of Islamic wisdom are the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Prophet (Pbuh). Thus, whole of the Islamic wisdom is based on prophet's teachings after Holy Quran. |