Reproductive health of women remains to be obscure and unexplored due to low priority attached to it. However the past decade witnessed emergence of an increased interest in womens RH and development related programmes to improved RH across the globe. This phenomenon was primarily catalyzed by the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo. The Cairo conference was the watershed that brought RH into the international arena of population debates. It solidified a new comprehensive understanding of RH largely only to the effort of participating policy makers researchers health service providers scholars feminist and health advocates from developed and developing countries.
This book emphasizes on womens reproductive morbidity within its socio economic and cultural context and is supplemented with clinical examination as well as laboratory test. It also demonstrates womens perception about their bodies and illness that are strongly related to the fact that they are women. Furthermore womens perception of illness affect their actual health seeking behavior as well as the way in which they articulate a symptom or illness affect their actual health seeking behaviour as well as the way in which they articulate a symptom or illness term to a health provider is also highlighted. This book is an endeavor to bridge an important gap between what we think is the need top down and what is the actual at the grass root level felt need. |