Dictionary of Wit and Wisdom is a useful compilation of valuable quotations thoughtful extracts and witty narrations from various well known writers thinkers and leaders. They were primarily collected for editors personal pleasure and profit but they could be highly useful for other persons as well both young and old. Hence the collections are published in a book form. Living in the modern world has become a very complex affair requiring all the wits and wisdom that we are able to store in our minds. But often even the best of such preparations are not enough to face the thorny problems that life throws up unexpectedly. To successfully meet todays tough and harsh social realities every one needs some comforting pep talk encouraging ideas and sendible counsels. The present tidy volume offers them in plenty appropriate to various situations. A Dictionary of Wit and Wisdom could be a very affable companion on many a challenging occasion in life.
The dictionary is filled with about 1300 sober quotations telling citations and memorable counsels from about 800 well known authoritative sources. For convenience they are classified into readily identifiable topics alphabetically arranged. Titles covered include practically all aspects of the problems faced in daily life. In our secular democratic fast changing civil life there is increasing demands on every man and woman to search for and mobilize as much inner strength as are possible. The present volume is designed to help us in this art of living.
This is a special kind of book that could turn out to be an ever responsive ever friendly escort volume for every occasion and for people of all ages and dispositions. Keep it in your personal briefcase go through its pages randomly whenever you get spare moments while traveling, waiting for bus relaxing at home or on any other odd occasion you will feel yourself richer happier and more confident. |