The subject of spirituality has been many an artist's muse and has generated a wealth of literature, right from self-help to self-realization. But very rarely do we come across literature that addresses the very fundamentals of our life without any external props of a format, code, or cult. Typically, the subject inspires literature that is cryptic and mystical or tediously analytical. The author has undertaken an onerous task in this regard and has accomplished it with finesse. He has fused dexterity of thought and expression perfectly. To articulate truth, he has painted a word picture, representing it in essence as well as in beauty of form, with utmost fidelity.
This book is at once concise and comprehensive. Concise, because it abstracts the essentials of the subject with precision. And comprehensive, in that it spans the entire spectrum of dimensions that the subject holds. The author strikes at the very nucleus of the subject straightaway. Staying rooted to this nub, he unfolds the various facets and mirrors them faithfully. His thoughts may appear radical to the casual reader but the earnest reader will surely perceive that they reflect reality. The purpose is not to make a hair-splitting analysis but to achieve focus in the real sense. Focus is just seeing clearly and the book compels us to wonder whether we are seeing at all. |