In today’s competitive world of business and information system, Management Information System (MIS) have strategic purpose in business management. The role of MIS is no not limited to business operations management. The new role of MIS is to support business management in strategic analysis, strategy formulation and strategy implementation to achieve short-run and long-run business objectives. Design and architecture of MIS is to run customer centric customer driven business with efficient use of e-business technologies. Computer, network, communication, Internet and web technologies together have radically changed the business management process and have an impact on the role of the manager. The cultural and operational changes in business management due to the application of various technologies are required to be understood. Further, the understanding is also required the need of taking a strategic view of business to design MIS for strategic management with due regard to security and ethical issues surrounding MIS. The public utilities, particularly the power sector, are heavily assets based enterprises with sophisticated technologies uses, they require efficient and effective application of MIS norms in their operational and financial segment of the business.
In the last two decades, information technology (IT) has emerged it he world affecting the personal, social and public life and has made a significant impact on the quality of life. It handles data and information represented in digital, text, image, graphics and deal with communication storage, processing and printing in the manner as desired by the users. It is an outcome of the advances in telecommunications and computer technology. Information Technology (IT) helps to optimize the use of scarce resources through information support for decision-making and helps further in its implementation by supporting co-ordinated efforts. Decision-making has becomes a very complex process due to competitive environment, scarce resources, time pressure and unavoidable compulsions to achieve the goals.
Information Technology (IT) have made decisive in-roads in all walks of life, in office, factories, utilities, communication, finance and banking, transportation etc. It is being used extensively for decision-making ease of operations, communication record keeping and for obtaining high productivity form the system in which it is put to use. It replaces old, outdated slow method by fast ones. It allows to handle largely complex data and its structure easily which has never been possible earlier. It has affected the work culture in an organisation and life style of each individual. Information is therefore, considered as one of the productive resources along with men, materials, machines and money. It can be developed by designing proper information system for Management Information System (MIS) of the organisation. The growth of Internet and information technologies and the globalization of business, trade and industry have completely transformed the workings of the enterprise. This radical shift calls for development of MIS in the e-business areas. |