xxxii, 316p., 25 cm. (Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 340)
The Mahanirvana Tantram is the most important of all the Tantras that are to be found now. It consists of two parts. The text of the first portion only has been published in Bengal. The second part, a reference of which is to be met with in the first, is not to be found any where. Text of the second part was available in the temple of Kamakhya in Assam. To readers who are not well acquainted with Sanskrit this English version. This will give them an insight into one department of Sanskrit literature which is very popular in Bengal. The cardinal teaching of this great work is the worship of one true God, which the author, despite many mystical and superficially technical passages, advocates in every page of the book. the style is charming and in many passages, true poetic touch is to be seen.