I: 1. Indian Social-Cultural Anthropology: A Brief Review/Gopala Sarana. 2. The Anomaly of Slow Growth of anthropology in the South Indian academia/N. Subba Reddy. 3. Some thoughts on Anthropology in India/Vinay Kumar Srivastava. 4. The Status of Anthropology in Modern India/Mathew Stief.
II: Has Anthropology Moved out of The ‘Colonial” Woods?/H.S. Saksena. 6. The We-They Distinction in Anthropology/Julie Davis. 7. Sociology and the Limits of Loyalty/Ananta Kumar Giri. 8. What Ails Indian Anthropology?/R.Siva Prasad. 9. On the Practice of Anthropology/R.P. Mitra.
III: 10. The Passions and Perils of Anthropological Linguistics in India: Some Personal Reflections/Manal K. Misra. 11. Museum at an Anthropology Department/Kumkum Srivastava and Vinay Kumar Srivastava. 12. Anthropology of Tourism: Insights from Nagaland/Soumendra Mohan Patnaik. 13. Dance Ethnography in the Anthropology of India: Prospects and Possibilities/Nita Mathur. 14. Career Options in Social-cultural Anthropology/R.K. Kar.
IV: 15. Civilizational Approach to the study of Indian Society: N.K. Bose and Surajit Sinha/Sukant K. Chaudhury. 16. Iravati Karve and the production of an Indian Anthropology/Subhadra Mitra Channa. 17. M.N. Srinivas at the Crossroads of Sociology and Social Anthropology: The Issue of Common Identity and the Way Forward/S. Gregory. 18. S.C. Dube and Indian Anthropology/Yogesh Atal. 19. C. von Furer-Haimendorf: Half a Century of his Imprint on Tribal Welfare in Andhra Pradesh/Urmila Pingle.
V: 20. Experiencing Anthropology in the Nicobar Archipelago/Vijoy S. Sahay. 21. What is not Anthropology?/Binod C. Agarwal. 22. The Impact of Anthropology/Vinay Kumar Srivastave. 23. Problematique of Unification of Social Sciences/K.N. Sharma.