CONTENTS:- 1. Caste and Social Crime 2. Social Crime and Control 3. The Social Control of Crime and the Penal System 4. What is Organizes Crime 5. From Punishment to Treatment and Prevention 6. Caste in Colonial India 7. The Emergence of Gandhian Nationalism 8. Cast-based Social Welfare Schemes 9. Caste in of Independent India 10. Cast Wars
There arc certain persons who take to Crime without any objective provocation does not crime-inducing circumstances or conditions. Besides, Punishment does no deter them form repeating the crime. Such persons are to be regarded as born criminals, that is, they seem to inherit a mental Framework or constitution which predisposes them to crime. Mostly such persons belong TO the Families which have adopted crime as a profession. However with the exception of precocious sexuality, ii is difficult to imagine any Physical characteristics which man inherits and which may predetermine that man will be criminal. Therefore the idea of born Criminal must be regarded as farfetched.