Our religion is wonderful, wonderful in many ways. It is nor mere exaggeration to say that it is the parent of all the religions, all the literatures, all the sciences and philosophies of the world, either those of Egypt, Assyria, of Babylon-Persia, China, Greece, or Rome. It is the parent of Magism and Parsism, Confuciusism and Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity--it is the mother of all civilisation. Wonderful, therefore, is the history of the Aryas, the noble Aryas who appeared on earth as the highest development of man in the evolution of humanity.
Many great European scholars, with stupendous study and indefatigable researches, with Herculean labour and magnificent acumen, have written many wonderful works on our history and religion, but they have done it, as it is natural, according to their own light. But none has said what the Aryas themselves had to say about them, none has said what the Hindus might have to say about their forefathers religion and history according to their own point of view. |