Section I. Biographical Sketches of Prof. K. Rajayyan:
1. A biographical sketch of Prof. K. Rajayyan: his contribution to historical research: Prof. P. Chenna Reddy.
2. Curriculum Vitae of Prof. K. Rajayyan: Prof. P. Chenna Reddy.
Section II:
3. The Perennial value of literary classical: a case study of the Adi Granth.
4. Subaltern mobility interest, dissent and response.
5. Linguistic Movement and the formation of Tranvancore Tamil Nadu Congress.
6. Impact of natural calamities on trade and industry during the Great Mughals.
7. Evolution of Feudal System in the Tamil Country.
8. Historiography and new methods-applicability to Indian context.
9. Trade and maritime activities in India--a glance.
10. Social development of Nizamabad Dist., Andhra Pradesh (1948-1991)--A survey.
11. Sastha Cult and the Shabari Mala Temple.
12. Response of vernacular press on the British Annexation of Burma.
13. Land assignment of Mohammad Ali (AD 1752-1795).
14. Discovering the dissent: challenges to patriarchy in Colonial Andhra--a study of women’s writings (1928-1942).
15. Recent discoveries at Madarpur, District Mordadabad, Uttar Pradesh: Further corroborative evidence of Vedic Literature and archaeological hypothesis.
16. Women’s rights--a study.
17. A call for women from the nation.
18. Khadar Movement in Kanya Kumari District, Tamil Nadu.
19. Rise of social fiction in Colonial India focusing on Mulk Raj Anand.
20. Ananda Ranga Pillai, the Diarist and the courtier, a phenomenon in the history of the French in India.
21. The Gudem Tribal Revolt of 1886.
22. Tourism potential of Handicrafts with special reference to metalware of A.P.
23. Mahatma Gandhi and the Temple Entry Movement in Orissa with special reference to Puri Jagannatha Temple.
24. De-industrialization and the revival of Khadi industry in Colonial Tamilnadu.
25. Agricultural labour in South Kanara.
26. The body in ritual performance.
27. Prof. Dasaratha Sharma’s contribution to the historiography of Rajasthan.
28. Social change in Devadasi System and the role of caste in Andhra.
29. Festivals and fairs in Medieval Andhra--some reflections.
30. Problems of ageing in lower Strata: a case study.
31. The genesis of the Malvali Sabha in Travancore.
32. Reconstruction of the past as revealed through the past records.
33. Commerce, trade and industries in Ancient Konkarn (With special reference to maritime trade with naval activities and banking).
34. Folk dance, drama and music in the District of Ganjam: an overview.
35. Early Jains: highlanders and cave dwellers.
36. The impact of Sri Chaitanaya’s Cult on the society of Orissa: an introspection.
37. The Chilika Lake: a study in historical perspective.
38. Origin of Paralakhemundi Zamindari and the rule of successive Zamindars: a study.
39. The role of folk arts during Telangana Armed struggle.
40. A study on erotic sculpture of Rama Temple, Dichpalli, Andhra Pradesh.
41. Jaina Vestiges in Chittoor District and its neighbourhood.
42. Eco-tourism--Kandrakota: an eco-cultural tourist centre.
43. Origins of industrial planning and policy in Hyderabad State 1911-1941.
44. The origin of music and dance--a materialistic perspective.
45. Rise and growth of progressive ideas in Telugu Literature: a study on Sri Sri.
46. Food for the dead.
47. Folklore in Midnight’s children as a manifestation of magic realism.
48. Untouchability and social protest; reflections in Telugu Literature (1930-1934).