CONTENTS:- 1. Land utilization pattern. 2. Problem of land defacement. 3. Field observations. 4. Silting of reservoirs. 5. DVC’s role in combating soil erosion. Conclusion.
Soil erosion has become a perennial problem in the Upper Damodar Valley. About 33per cent of the land area of the region is affected by soil erosion. More than 2/3 rd of the crop field and upland and 1/3 rd of the forest area are under the regime of this malady. The effect of soil erosion directly hampers the soil fertility thus reducing field outturn. It on the other hand indirectly generated huge silt load which gets deposited in the rivers and reservoirs and gradually lower their water holding capacity. It has been estimated that he beds of the Maithon and Panchet reservoirs have been raised considerably and their live storage capacities have been reduced by 19 percent and 23 per cent respectively. The present work is a sincere attempt to probe into the various reasons those have led to the existing state of soil erosion. The conservative measures adopted so far by the administrative agencies as also by the D.V.C. have been discussed in this context. The author believes that the book will be of immense help to the students scholars and research workers of the associated field.