CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction to social welfare. 2. Socialism for society. 3. Nordic model and social structure. 4. Social movements. 5. Social welfare function. 6. Welfare economics. 7. Measurement of social attitude and sentiments. 8. Community development. 9. Philosophy of community. 10. Organizational communication. 11. Community service. 12. Physiological social drives. 13. Modern theories. 14. Gender and behaviour.
Social Welfare refers to the overall welfare of society., With sufficiently strong assumptions, it can be specified as the summation of the welfare of all the individuals in the society. Welfare may be measured either cardinally in terms of 'utils" or dollars, or measured ordinally in terms of Pareto efficiency. The cardinal method in 'utils" is seldom used in pure theory today because of aggregation problems that make the meaning of the method doubtful, except on widely challenged underlying assumptions. Community development, informally called community building, is a broad term applied to the practices and academic disciplines of civic leaders, activists, involved citizens and professionals to improve various aspects of local communities.