CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction 2. Protein Requirements and Recommendations for Athletes 3. Body Composition in Athletes: Assessment and Estimated Fatness 4. Female Athletes Triad Update 5. Nutritional Recommendations for Masters Athletes 6. Nutritional consideration in Joint Health 7. Micronutrient Requirements for Athletes 8. Determination of Energy Needs 9. Fuels Usedin Exercise: Carbohydrate and Fat 10. Protein and Amino Acid Requirements of Athletes 11. Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals 12. Fluids and Electrolytes Alcohol and Sport 13. Preparation for Competition 14. Eating and Drinking 15. Post-event Recovery 16. Assessing Nutritional and Needs 17. Changing Size and Composition 18. Dietary Supplements Ergogenic AIDS