Vol. 1: Islam's Historic Role:
1. Rise of Islam
2. The Doctrine
3. Grand Conquests
4. Ideal Islam
5. Quran, a Great Miracle
6. Miracles and Holy Traditions
7. Specific Prophecy
8. Divine Soul
9. Secret of the Rise of Islam
10. Ideology of Islam
Vol.2: Prophet's of Islam:
1. Father of Mankind
2. Prophets After Adam3. Great Prophet, Ibrahim (Pbuh)
4. Hadrat Lut and Shoaib (Pbuh)
5. Unmatched Attraction of Yusuf (Pbuh)
6. Prophets Daud and Sulaiman (Pbuh)
7. Prominence of Musa (Pbuh)
8. Miraculous Prophet (Pbuh)
9. Unique Path
10. Significant Facts
11. Prophet's Grandfather
Vol.3: Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him):
1. Like-sketch of Holy Prophet (Pbuh)
2. Most Significant Event
3. Grand Task of Muhammad (Pbuh)
4. Mission of the Prophet
5. Holy Wars
6. Year of Growth
7. Preaching as a Mission
8. Final Journey
Vol.4: Prophet's Relatives:
1. Marriages of the Prophet
2. Prophet's Life Partners
3. First Marital Knot
4. Most Beloved Wife: Hadrat Aaishah
5. Other Wives
6. A Husband Full of Love
7. Prophet's Most Beloved Daughter
8. Love of Prophet for Zainab
9. Prophet's Aunt
10. News of Prophet's Birth
11. Prophet with Great Power
12. Prophecies About the Prophet
Vol. 5: Islam for Peace, Not War:
1. Grandeur of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
2. Perfect Commander
3. War Defeated, Peace Won
4. War in Islam
5. Charter of the Constitution
6. Rulings for Defence
7. Reason for the Decline
8. Study of Western Views
Vol. 6: Abu Bakr, the Champion of Truth:
1. Pre-Islamic Life
2. Significant Migration
3. Meccan Expedition
4. Post-prophet Period
5. Amir-ul-Momineen
6. Journey of Usamah
7. Planning for Apostasy
8. Journey of Iraq
9. Journey to Syria
10. Last Period
11. System of Administration
12. System of Religion
13. At Number Two
14. A Ceremonious Life
15. A Grand Spirit
16. Significance in History
17. Historic Position
18. Grand Achievements
Vol. 7: Umar, the Great Administrator:
1. History of Family
2. Journey to Medina
3. Fundamental Improvement
4. Many a Journey
5. Comrade's Leadership
6. Leader of Believers
7. Grand Conquest
8. Planning Against Persians
9. Victory Over Persia
10. Seizure of Egypt
11. Closing of a Period
12. The Administration
13. Life in Family
Vol. 8: Uthman, the Rich Companion:
1. Initial Life
2. Journey to Medina
3. Caliph Number Three
4. Dilemma at Medina
5. The Martyrdom
6. Part Played by Governors
7. The Governance
8. Glorious Status
9. Issues Concerning Religion
10. Historic Significance
11. Sketch of Life
Vol. 9: Ali, the Lion of Almighty:
1. Initial Life
2. Life after Marriage
3. Khaiber Victory
4. Administrator of Medina
5. The Caliphate
6. Capital's Transfer
7. Occupation of Egypt
8. Gift of Martyrdom
9. Prominent Administrator
10. Door to Learning
11. Brief Life Sketch
Vol. 10: Great Companions:
1. Execution of Abu Dhar Ghifari
2. Agonies of Bilal Bin Ribah
3. Faith of Salman Farsi
4. Greatness of Hadrat Zubair
5. Role of Abu Ayyub Ansari
6. Contribution by Abdullah Bin Masood
7. Life of Abu Talha Zaid Bin Sahl
8. Abu Sufyan Sakhar Bin Harab
9. Significance of Sabit Bin Qais
10. Importance of Utbah Bin Ghazwan
11. Role of Umair Bin Sad
12. Role of Musanna Bin Harisah
13. Significance of Jareer Bin Abdullah
14. Role of Huzaifah Bin Alyaman
15. Example of Zarrar Bin Azwar
16. Role of Abu Abdullah Salem
17. Contribution of Usaid Bin Hudhair
18. Greatness of Suhail Bin Amr
19. Role of Sayeed Bin Aamir
20. Significance of Khubaib Ansari
21. Responsibility of Tufail Bin Amr
22. Significance of Sad Bin Muaaz
23. Importance of Adi Bin Hatim
24. Importance of Khabbab Bin Aratt
25. Role of Miqdad Bin Amr al-Aswad
26. Dignity of Musab Bin Zubair
27. Role of Zaid Bin Harisa
28. Place of Uthman Bin Maz
29. Return of Suhaib Rumi. Lady Companions
30. Daughter of Abu Bakr
31. Role of Umm-e-Ummarah
32. Role of Laila Bint-e-Abi Hathma
33. Tale of Sahla Bint-e-Suhail
34. Prominence of Lubaynah
35. Role of Zainab Bint-e-Abu Salama
36. Story of Lababah Bint-e-Harith
37. Importance of Zinnerah Roomiyah
38. Role of Sumaiyah Bint-e-Khabat
39. Role of Khansa Bint-e-Amr
40. Account of Umm-e-Mabud Khuzaeeyah
41. Significance of Fatima Bint-e-Khattab
42. Role of Asma Ansariya
43. Story of Umm-e-Aiman
44. Role of Asmaa Bint-e-Umais
45. Hind Bint-e-Amr Bin Haraam
46. Significance of Fatima Bint-e-Qais
47. Character of Sohaila Bint-e-Masood
48. Importance of Fatima Bint-e-Asad
49. Contribution of Umamah Bint al-Aas
50. Role of Umm-e-Roman
51. Importance of Khalidah Bint-e-Haris
52. Prominence of Umm-e-Sulaim