CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction 2. General Principles of War 3. Dominion Principles of War 4. The Modern Wars and Strategies 5. Principles in the Indian Army 6. Principles of Military Operations 7. The Art of War 8. Principles for the Present Age 9. New Principles and Strategies of War 10. Strategies for War
With this limited scope and study of battles which are long past many changes have taken place in our concept, understanding and nature of war due to improved weapons and mobility, necessitating better tactical use of ground. This historical study leads Foch to a "theory of war, which can be taught and the shape of a doctrine" which his pupils were to be taught to practice. He explains it further: what is meant by these words is the conception and the practical application not of a science of war nor of some limited dogmas composed of abstract truths outside which all would be heresy, but of a certain number of principles, the application of which, though they will not be open to discussion once they shall have been established, must logically very according to circumstances which always tending towards the same goal and that and objective goal.