Vol. I:
1. Introduction
2. The Tri-Academy Project
3. Elements of Population Growth
4. Land Use Change in Space and Time
5. Findings and Observations
6. Indian Case Studies
7. Gender Dimensions of the Relationship Between Population and Land Use
8. The State of Knowledge
9. Population and Land Use Change
10. Population Change and Landscape Dynamics
11. The Urban Ecology of Metropolitan Phoenix
12. Economies, Societies and Landscapes in Transition
13. Intricate Interactions Among Population Structure, Land Use and Environment
14. Economic Growth and Population Change in Rural India
Vol. II:
1. Introduction
2. Trends in the Timing of First Marriage Among Men and Women
3. Marriage in Transition
4. Adolescent Transitions to Adulthood in Reform-Era
5. Separate Experiences of Males and Females
6. Assessing the Economic Returns to Investing in Youth
7. The Value and Challenges of Cross-National Research