CONTENTS:- Preface 1. India: Agriculture and Rural Development 2. Sustainable Development of Rainfed Agriculture in India 3. Performance of Rainfed Agriculture: an Overview 4. Growth of Output, Yields and Cropped Area: a District Level Analysis 5. Technological Challenges in Rainfed Systems 6. Poverty and Rainfed Agriculture 7. Natural Resource Degradation and Rainfed Agriculture 8. Risk and Rainfed Agriculture 9. Infrastructure, Institutions and Policies 10. Summative Analysis
The farm mechanization has been well received world over as one of the important elements of modernization of agriculture. In India, though there has been a considerable progress of mechanization in agriculture, its spread has been in the most uneven manner. Hitherto, governmental efforts have mostly been confined to the promotion of manual and animal-drawn tools and implements. Power-drawn equipment have also gained momentum due to the converted efforts of the Government, Credit Institutions and the Industry. however, efforts for the identification of specific farm implements and machines, for different agro climatic zones, as well as their promotion in the respective zones seem to be lacking. This has been a constraint at the all-round and even spread of development of agriculture in the country.