CONTENTS:- 1. Introductory; 2. Concepts ad Methodology; 3. Extent of Poverty; 4. Poverty Alleviation and Rural Diversification: Micro-Analysis; 5. Government and Poverty Alleviation; 6. Conclusions and Suggestions.
A Number of general as well as pacific programmes of development have been taken up to alleviate poverty. These included improvement in the conditions of living, raising producti-vity, improving levels of consumption and creating more employment. Some specific schemes aimed at helping certain specified categories of the poorer sections of rural community. On of the main programmes i.e. Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) primarily relates to the unified of integrated approach for the socio-economic development of the rural communities. It is designed to eradicate rural poverty and generate more income especially for the poor sections of the rural society. The basic ideas is that operatio-nally integrated strategy for the develop-ment is so designed as it may help in increasing production and productivity both in the agricultural and nonagricul-tural sectors. In this book, an attempt has been made to examine the impact of the various developmental programmes (especially IRDP) in generating income and employment of the beneficiaries in the study area. It has been south to assess the adequacy of credit and subsidy and their utilization among various sections of the rural poor and to analyse the impact of various programmes on the socio-economic upliftment of the poor. A critical appraisal of the policies and programmes pertaining to poverty at different levels has also been attempted.