This book tries to fulfill the need for an effective manual of security operations and is written with the aim to serve as a handy reference tool for fresh entrants as well as for the experienced security practitioners to help them quickly configure and implement the security operations needed in a facility. Whether the requirement is for establishing a new security mission or for diagnosing the existing set up for locating weaknesses and loopholes in its defence, this guide as an inclusive manual of policies and procedures, will help in developing strategic and tactical plans and manage daily operations. It combines the basics of routine security functions with the focus on intricacies of overall security management in the industrial sector.
Earlier corporate security programmes focused on the protection of assets by physical security means alone. Today's corporations require state-of-the-art protection programme--one that integrates physical security, personnel security and information security processes and functions with those of protection of proprietary information against espionage activities, emergency/contingency planning, security technologies and many others.
This book analyses all these aspects in detail and guides the security managers how to handle the multitude of functions and includes proven processes and sample formats for reporting and keeping other needed logs that can be adapted to fit a company's needs. Those security professionals who are aspiring for stimulating new career opportunities in security consulting will find in this book, useful details about all the information and procedures a new consultant should know.
Crime prevention is the most crucial task of security management. This book elaborates a wide range of crimes, the motivators and their motivations along with the specific strategies to counter them. |