Women in tribal society in Arunachal Pradesh are always hard worker. Their sex ratio is always higher in all census records excepting 1991. Women are an integral part in every society.
The status of women in society is directly linked with social and cultural traditions, stages of economic development achieved, educational levels, attitude of the society towards women, social and religious taboos, women's own awareness and political attainments Status of Arunachal Pradesh Women in 21st Century. Such factors affect the national and also regional characteristics of the status of women.
The economic status of women is determined by the role played by them in carrying on economic and non-economic activities in society. The nature and type of economic and non-economic role played by women have undergone continued transformation in accordance with the changes in socio-economic factors, education levels and technological developments and with the changing concepts regarding the extent to which women's contribution is desirable and necessary. |