CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction 2. Explanation of Key Words 3. Spiritual Love and Mysticism 4. Plan of the Chapters 5. Personal Interest 6. Questions about Spiritual Love 7. Spiritual Love in Religious Texts 8. Krishna 9. Jesus 10. Buddha 11. Scriptural Love 12. Is There a Different Between Historical and Contemporary Teachings on Spiritual Love? 13. Questioning the Authorities 14. What the Authorities Said 15. Review of what the Authorities 16. Features and Nuances of Spiritual Love 17. The Different for Women and Men 18. Is Ecstasy Spiritual Love? 19. Different Types of Love 20. Unconditional Love 21. What is not Spiritual Love 22. The Relationship Between Spiritual Love and Sexuality, Desire, and Passion 23. Concluding Strands 24. Self 25. Peace 26. Beauty 27. Bliss 28. Ending 29. Concluding Strand 30. Anthology 31. Robert Adams 32. Thomas Aquinas 33. Sri Aurobindo 34. Bahya Ibn Paquda 35. Dionysius 36. Emile Durkheim 37. Leone Ebreo 38. Victor Frankl 39. Erich Fromm 40. Al-Ghazali 41. Kahlil Gibran 42. G.I. Gurdjieff 43. Aldous Huxley 44. Karl Jaspers 45. Hazrat Inayat Khan 46. Soren Kierkegaard 47. Jiddu Krishnamurti 48. C.S. Lewis 49. Gabriel Honore Marcel 50. Abraham Maslow 51. Thomas Merton 52. Mo-Tze 53. Jacob Needleman 54. Anders Nygren 55. P.D. Ouspensky 56. Plato 57. Plotinus 58. Max Scheler 59. Vladimir Solovyov 60. Benedictus De Spinoza 61. Rudolf Steiner 62. Pierre Teilhard De Chardin 63. Tenzin Gyatso, H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama 64. Leo Tolstoy 65. Swami Vivekananda 66. Alan Watts